Katy Knee Pain Sufferers Can Finally Find Fast Relief With A New Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatment. It’s finally here!

Attend our Free Knee Pain Relief Consultation to find out if we can help you! Spots are Limited to the First 25 Callers. Call (607) 304-4151 Now!

(Scroll down to learn more)

End Knee Pain without Dangerous Drugs or Surgery

Breakthrough Treatment has an Astounding Success Rate

There is a new FDA cleared, safe, gentle, and effective therapy for people who suffer from knee pain due to Osteoarthritis, Bone Spurs, Trauma Related Knee Pain, Degenerative Arthritis, and other conditions that lead to Chronic Knee Pain including...

  • Tendon, Joint, or Ligament Damage
  • Bone Spurs and Trauma Related Knee Pain
  • Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Arthritis
  • Other conditions that lead to Chronic Knee Pain

Have you been affected by Knee Pain that's due to...

  • Muscle Wasting or Lost Muscle Strength
  • Injury or Trauma
  • Joint Instability
  • Knee Osteoarthritis
  • Knee Ligament Damage
  • Degenerative Knee Changes
  • Scar Tissue Build-Up
  • Traumatic Bone Spurs
  • Decreased Mobility

"Before my first visit, walking was extremely painful. Their therapists and doctors have now almost completely eliminated any pain or discomfort. I am back to a fully active lifestyle. Long walks no longer slow me down and at age 71, I'm just getting started!" - Mike H., Actual Patient

Call Now to Claim Your FREE Knee Pain Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 25 People who Call By Monday, September 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(607) 304-4151

Response Deadline:
Monday, September 9th

If you are like most Knee Pain Sufferers, you’ve probably tried a battery of typical treatments with little to no success:

  • Over the Counter Pain Relievers, NSAIDS
  • Narcotic Pain Medication
  • Ice Packs or Ice Baths
  • Physical Rehabilitation
  • Knee Stretches or Exercises
  • Nutritional Supplementation
  • Hot or Cold Topical Medication
  • Even Surgery…

Have you ever wondered why with all the recent breakthroughs in medical care that knee pain sufferers STILL STRUGGLE with their knee pain on a daily basis?

We provide a Safe and Effective, New Choice for Knee Pain Sufferers.

Our clinic offers a NEW, Non-Invasive and Non-Surgical therapy protocol that combines the best of cutting edge medical treatments to not only help resolve your chronic knee pain, but also rehabilitate and stabilize the knee as well.

And to make sure that you have the confidence that you need, we’ve designed an extensive diagnostic evaluation protocol to help us find out if you’re a candidate for this care.

This extensive evaluation will give you ALL the information that you need to know before starting treatment so you can be assured if you will have success with your chronic knee pain.


Our Advanced 6 Point Knee Therapy Protocol™

We offer the latest and most advanced nonsurgical treatments for many causes of knee pain. Our Advanced 6 Point Knee Therapy Protocol™  utilizes multiple advanced therapies, some of which are exclusive to our office in our area. Some of the therapies we use consist of our exclusive Knee-Trac Decompression Therapy to reduce pain and rehydrate the knee for patients with osteoarthritis, failed surgery, sprain/strains, meniscus tears, and other injuries. Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy utilizing our exclusive LiteCure EXP Laser to reduce pain, inflammation, and break down scar tissue. Custom Knee Bracing to align, support, and stabilize the knee, Advanced X-ray Imaging, and Specific Nutritional Supplementation. This treatment protocol reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, increases mobility, promotes tissue repair and cell growth, accelerates healing and speeds recovery. It is a successful alternative to pain medications, cortisone injections, and surgery.

If you or a family member has been suffering with chronic knee pain, then you may be a candidate for this breakthrough FDA CLEARED program for knee pain. To help you find out if you can be helped with this program, we are offering a FREE KNEE PAIN RELIEF CONSULTATION. This no-charge, no-obligation consultation will enable you to learn more about our program and give you the opportunity to meet 1-on-1 with Dr. Michael Rouhana to find out if this breakthrough technology can help you!

We get to the cause of the pain and do not treat the symptom. With our multidisciplinary team, we are able to address more than one problem at a time. We can take care of multiple issues on the same visit and get patients out of pain without the use of medications or surgery. 

Centrally located in Johnson City, NY, right outside of Binghamton.

Will It Work For You?

It's time to find out if this new treatment will be your knee pain solution. Call (607) 304-4151 now to claim your Free Knee Pain consultation. Spots are limited to the first 23 callers...Call Now!

"Before my first visit, walking was extremely painful. Their therapists and doctors have now almost completely eliminated any pain or discomfort. I am back to a fully active lifestyle. Long walks no longer slow me down and at age 71, I'm just getting started!" - Mike H., Actual Patient

Call Now to Claim Your FREE Knee Pain Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 25 People who Call By Monday, September 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(607) 304-4151

Response Deadline:
Monday, September 9th

"I am able to go up and down the steps one foot after the other which I couldn’t do at the beginning. The pain is gone and it’s been a great experience." -Suzanna H., Actual Patient

Call Now to Claim Your FREE Knee Pain Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 25 People who Call By Monday, September 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(607) 304-4151

Response Deadline:
Monday, September 9th

Call Now to Begin Your Start to a Pain Free Life!

Find out if we can help you. The only thing you have to lose is your pain. Be one of the first 25 callers by Monday, September 9th to secure your FREE consultation.

Call (607) 304-4151 now!